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As the spring equinox approaches, I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement in the air.

It’s that magical time of the year when nature awakens from its winter slumber, and we’re surrounded by the promise of new beginnings.

If you’re looking to make this spring equinox extra special for your little ones, you’re in the right place! Join me as we explore some gentle rituals that you can share with your children to celebrate this beautiful season.

But first, let’s take a moment to understand what the spring equinox is all about.

The spring equinox, also known as the vernal equinox, is the time when day and night are of equal length.

It symbolizes balance and renewal, heralding the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

Throughout history, various cultures and civilizations have celebrated this event as a time of rejuvenation, growth, and the return of life to the earth after the cold winter months.

These themes of renewal, rebirth, and growth make it a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with your children by creating meaningful rituals and traditions the enjoy together year after year.  

Celebrating the Spring Equinox is a favorite part of our family’s Nourishing Seasonal Rhythm. Learn about seasonal rhythms and how to create one for your family here.

Now, let’s dive into some enchanting rituals that you can incorporate into your spring equinox celebrations with your little ones!


  1. Plant a Spring Garden

Embrace the spirit of growth and new life by planting seeds with your children. Whether you have a garden or just a small pot on your windowsill, let your kids choose their favorite spring seeds to plant. As they nurture their seeds and watch them grow, they’ll learn valuable lessons about patience, responsibility, and the beauty of nature’s cycles.

  1. Have a Spring-themed Picnic or a Tea Party

Take advantage of the warmer weather and longer days by having a picnic with your children. Pack a basket of your favorite seasonal snacks, sandwiches, and drinks, and head to a park or a scenic spot in nature. Encourage your children to play games or fly kites while you relax and enjoy the beauty of spring.

Or, create a Spring-themed tea party with treats such as fresh seasonal berries, quiche, and cakes or cookies, along with a pot of Dandelion tea.

  1. Go for a Nature Walk

Take a leisurely stroll outdoors with your children and soak in the sights and sounds of spring. Encourage them to notice the signs of new life emerging all around them – from budding flowers to chirping birds. Use this time to connect with nature and appreciate the wonders of the natural world together.  If you wish, you could help the record their observations in a beautiful Nature Journal. 

  1. Create Spring-themed Artwork

Spring is a time of creativity and inspiration, so why not get your children involved in creating some artwork? Use paints, markers, or colored pencils to create spring-themed artwork such as flowers, birds, or butterflies.

Alternatively, create art using natural items that you gather on your nature walk, such as early flowers and budding branches. Hang the artwork on the walls or display them on a table to celebrate the beauty of spring.

Or, lastly (and my personal favorite) make a beautiful spring wreath for your door!

I like to use a large embroidery hoop for ours, which makes for a beautiful, simple, minimalist wreath form that can be re-used each season by changing the items used to decorate it.

For spring, felt or silk flowers, wet-felted or wooden eggs, faux-birds nests (found at craft stores, or you can make your own), and budding twigs make for a lovely wreath.

  1. Celebrate with a Ritual

Create a simple ritual with your children to celebrate the Spring Equinox. This could involve lighting candles, saying a prayer, blessing, or verse about spring, and performing a small ceremony.

The ritual can be as simple or elaborate as you like and can be tailored to your family’s beliefs and traditions.

For ours, we prepare a special candlelight meal made of foods harvested in springtime, such as baby carrots, peas, baby greens, dandelion greens, sprouts, beets, and berries.

Then, after our meal we do a Spring-themed poetry recitation.

Celebrating the Spring Equinox is a beautiful opportunity to connect and spend time with your children while honoring the beauty of spring.

By incorporating these meaningful rituals into your spring equinox celebrations, you can create lasting memories and deepen your connection with your children and the natural world. Embrace the magic of this special time of year, and revel in the joy of new beginnings with your little ones by your side.

Whether you choose to plant a garden, have a picnic, go for a nature walk, create artwork, or perform a ritual, make sure to pause and be present so that you enjoy these special moments all the more.

I hope these ideas inspire you to make the most of the spring equinox with your children. May your celebrations be filled with love, laughter, and the beauty of nature’s awakening.

Happy Spring Equinox, everyone!

Do you celebrate the Spring equinox? I’d love to hear about your traditions in the comments!


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