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Embracing the enchanting spirit of Waldorf education, celebrate the magic of Advent with your children through four Sundays filled with creativity, verses, and heartwarming stories.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to craft a Waldorf-inspired salt dough advent spiral and infuse each Sunday night with the warmth of candlelight, meaningful verses, and captivating Advent tales.

Waldorf-inspired Advent, A Rich Tradition Unveiled:

Rooted in the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, Waldorf education places a special emphasis on nurturing the whole child – mind, body, and spirit. The Advent tradition in Waldorf schools mirrors these principles, creating a tapestry of rituals and activities that deepen the connection to the season.

Advent in the Waldorf-inspired Home or Homeschool:

Adapting Waldorf’s rich Advent tradition to your homeschool involves embracing its core elements. Begin by designating the four Sundays leading up to Christmas, each dedicated to a theme – hope, peace, joy, and love. Craft a simple yet beautiful Advent wreath or spiral to serve as the centerpiece of your celebrations.

Rituals and Verses: Integrate Waldorf-inspired rituals into your Advent celebrations. Light candles symbolizing the themes of each week, and recite verses that encapsulate the essence of hope, peace, joy, and love. This creates a rhythm that fosters a sense of anticipation and reflection, bringing depth to your family’s Advent experience.

Creative Expression: Waldorf education thrives on artistic expression. Infuse creativity into your Advent tradition through crafting, recitation, and storytelling. Engage your children in hands-on activities that capture the magic of the season, allowing them to express their creativity while connecting with the deeper spiritual aspects of Advent.

As you embark on bringing the Waldorf Advent tradition into your home, you’re not just incorporating a seasonal practice – you’re weaving a rich tapestry that integrates creativity, spirituality, and anticipation.

When you embrace the essence of this Waldorf tradition in your home, you create a unique and enchanting experience that resonates with the magic of the Holiday season.

Read on to learn how to craft a magical tradition for your family…


Part 1. Crafting a Waldorf Salt Dough Advent Spiral:

Begin your Waldorf Advent journey by creating a homemade salt dough advent spiral.

This simple, beautiful craft involves mixing 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt, and 1 cup of water to form a pliable dough.

Shape the dough into a spiral on a baking sheet and bake until it hardens.

Once cooled, decorate the spiral in festive evergreen boughs, dried citrus fruits, holly, and/or dried cranberries and let your children’s creativity shine.

This spiral will serve as the centerpiece for your Advent celebrations.

This charming centerpiece not only serves as a beautiful decoration, but also as a meaningful symbol with which to mark the Sundays of Advent.


Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Collect the following materials to embark on your salt dough adventure:

Step 2: Create the Salt Dough

In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, salt, and water. Stir until a soft, pliable dough forms.

If the dough is too sticky, add a bit more flour. If it’s too dry, add a touch more water.

Step 3: Roll and Shape the Spiral

On a floured surface, roll out the dough to your desired thickness, then roll and shape the dough into a spiral. Make sure it is thick enough that your candles can stand securely in it.

Press the bottom end of a candle into the dough at even intervals, starting at the center of the spiral and working your way out. Lift the candle out of the dough as you go, making indents which will serve as your candle holders. We do 5 holes, one for each of the four Sundays of Advent, and one in the center to light on Christmas Day.

Carefully transfer the shaped spiral onto a parchment lined baking sheet.

Step 4: Bake to Perfection:

Preheat your oven to 200°F (93°C). Place the salt dough spiral in the oven and bake for approximately 2 hours or until the dough hardens. Keep a close eye to prevent over-baking. Once done, let it cool completely.


Step 5: Integrate Fresh Evergreens, Dried Citrus, Pinecones, or Stones:

Enhance the natural charm of your Advent spiral by weaving fresh evergreen branches around it. Arrange the branches in a way that complements the shape of the spiral.

This not only adds a touch of nature but also infuses a touch of seasonal evergreen fragrance.

Step 7: Place Candles for Illumination:

Now, position four candles along the spiral, representing each Sunday of Advent. Choose natural beeswax candles, or candles in traditional Advent colors – purple or blue for hope and peace, and pink or red for joy and love.

Place your candles in their respective candle holding holes, and then add the dried citrus, pinecones, or stones decoratively in between.

Secure the candles in place, ensuring they stand upright.

Part 2: Crafting your Advent Ritual:


1. Lighting Candles with Meaning On the first Sunday of Advent:

Gather with your family around the salt dough spiral.

Light a single candle at the beginning of the spiral and light it together.

As you do, share a special verse or sentiment about hope.

Repeat this ritual on the following Sundays, adding a new candle each week, representing the themes of hope, peace, joy, and love.

This gradual illumination symbolizes the growing anticipation of Christmas.

2. Verses to Inspire and Connect:

Enhance the spiritual aspect of your Advent celebrations by incorporating Waldorf-inspired verses.

You could begin each Sunday evening by reciting a verse related to the theme of the week.

These verses, often simple and rhythmic, contribute to a sense of unity and mindfulness.

Consider involving your children in creating their own verses, fostering a deeper connection to the meaning behind the season.

3. Captivating Advent Stories:

Immerse your family in the rich storytelling tradition of Waldorf education by sharing enchanting Advent tales. Choose narratives that align with the themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. Allow the stories to unfold gradually over the four Sundays, capturing your family’s imagination and imparting a sense of reverence for the spiritual aspects of the holiday season.

Encourage active engagement by incorporating props, puppets, or simple visual aids to make the tales even more memorable.

We love these free stories from Waldorf Publications

By embracing the magic of Waldorf-inspired Advent celebrations at home, you create a nourishing family tradition that fosters creativity, connection, and reverence.

Through crafting a salt dough advent spiral, lighting candles with meaning, reciting verses, and sharing captivating stories, you’ll weave a tapestry of warmth and joy that will be treasured for years to come.

May this season of Advent bring your family closer together in the spirit of love and shared traditions, and your celebration be filled with creativity, connection, and the magic of the holiday spirit!






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